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The Organization Preferences screen (which can be accessed as Preferences in the Org game menu) contains a number of features you can use to modify the organization. This includes accepting and rejecting organization applications, creating and leaving organizations, and changing the actual organization settings.

We are now going to talk about the latter; the actual organization settings. If you wish to change these, just click on Change Organization Settings on the Preferences screen. Here you will be presented with several things you may wish to alter:

Full name

This is the full name of the organization you wish to create. You should choose a name that fits into the theme of Mech Wars.


The organization tag is an abbreviation of the full name, and must be between 1 and 5 letters.


You can enter a message that will be shown on the Organization Overview screen. This can contain whatever you feel like, and will most often be of an instructional character — that is, orders like "attack 1:2:3" or "find any information you can about organization XYZ".


Every organization needs to have a charter. This is the ideas and principles that your organziaton is built upon, and what you stand for. A little history behind the creation of your organization is also very much encouraged.

If you are an official Terra-Xi organization, changing any of the above except the organization message, will render your organization temporarily unofficial. A member of the Terra-Xi High Council will then check your change, and if the change is accepted it will be official and back on the Organization Ladder listings again. Note, though, that changing the name and tag of an official organization is against the rules, and the organization charter must of course follow the standard policy rules.
