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Before setting up a organization yourself, you should definately consider joining another, existing organization first. Leading a organization can be hard, especially as it grows and requires more time. Mech Wars is a game, but leading a organization could involve hard work and little sleep. At all costs, you should really try to work your way through the system of other organizations before setting up your own organization.

In any case, when the time has come and you wish to setup your very own organization, the first thing you should do is to gather some people that are willing to lead the organization together with you. You should never take on the full leadership role alone; at the very least you should get some people to take care of relations, and recruitment. Then you, as the organization commander, can take care of running the rest of the organization business.

Also important is to get people that you know that you can rely on, and that you can trust will do their job as good as you do yours. This is most important for the people that you are going to lead the organization together with, but having normal organization members that you know you can rely on doesn't hurt either.

To actually setup a organization, you need to go to the Preferences screen; this can be found in the organization game menu. When you've found this screen, click on "Create new organization". You will now be ask to fill in several things:

Full name

This is the full name of the organization you wish to create. You should choose a name that fits into the theme of Mech Wars. This is required if you want your organization to become an official Mech Wars organization.


The organization prefix is an abbreviation of the full name, and must be between 1 and 5 letters.


Every organization needs to have a charter. This is the ideas and principles that your organization is built upon, and what you stand for. A little history behind the creation of your organization is also very much encouraged.

Anybody can setup a organization, however there are two different organizations in Mech Wars: unofficial and official. The main difference is that official organizations are competing on the organization Ladder, while unofficial ones are not. Becoming an official organization is a trivial thing, but it requires a valid organization name and prefix, and the charter must also be complete and thorough.

Other requirements for becoming an official organization includes the fact that you have to have at least 10 members, and you are required to be active. Being active means that you need to use the built-in organizationwar system, and you need to fight one organizationwar against another official organization once in a while. This is to prevent organizations from only doing player versus player combat, and not organization versus organization combat.

To become an official organization, you need to apply for it — this is something that is done automatically. Go to the Preferences screen (in the organization game menu), and choose "Apply for Official Status". A member of the Terra-Xi High Council will then go check your organization and will either give it a go or a no; this depends on your organization name, prefix and charter validity. If you have less than 10 members, you will receive a message immediately telling you that you need more members.
