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Military Operations

As it was mentioned in the previous section, you do not have any direct control over each unit. What you do is tell the game what you want a certain squadron to do (after you have put units in it). This will in general be one of three things: attack, retreat, or defend. Please refer Attack Types for a full list.

To actually give the order to your squadron, you need to find the Operations option in the Military game menu. When you have come to this screen, you should see your two movable squadrons listed, including what they are currently doing. A squadron can do one of three things: attack, defend, or travel. If it's travelling it can be either retreating or it can be travelling to the opponent. You can tell whether it's travelling home or not by checking the coordinates by the ETA.

To give a squadron a new order, your squadron cannot be currently moving. If it is moving, you will have to pick another squadron, or wait until it has reached its destination. One exception to this is that if it is travelling to the opponent, you can retreat your squadrons before it gets there.

Before you begin, you should have the coordinates of the target ready. This is true for both defending and attacking other players. You must also have moved the units you want to attack or defend with to the correct squadron. When you have done this, enter the target in the target field, and select an operation. Before selecting the operation, you should go read Attack Types for a full list and detailed descriptions.

Below the operation controls, you'll find a total overview of the squadrons and how many units of each unit type there are in each squadron. This can be very handy when deciding which squadron to send.
