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Forwarding messages are quite handy. This let's you send a message you have received to another person. The Forward feature in Mech Wars uses some of the same functionality as the Reply feature uses. Therefore, to forward a message, go to the message screen, and click on Forward.

You will then be given a page that looks like the Compose Message screen (just like the Reply feature does). Nothing is locked, however, so you can set the recipient as you wish. You can also use the Friends List if you wish to (see Composing Messages for details).

The subject will be prepended by the text "Fwd:". This is to let the recipient know that this message is actually a message that you got from somebody else. However, if you do not like this, you can of course just remove it, and it will at least look like a normal message.

The message itself will be the contents of the message you wish to forward, surrounded by the [quote] codes, and some information about who wrote this originally. If you wish to add some text, you can of course do that.

Just like the Compose Message screen, you can tick the Show Signature checkbox to enable adding the signature to your message.
