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Mech Production Center

This production center is needed for the initial production of units. Must be upgraded in order to build a more powerful army.

Mech Production Center 2

This upgrade allows the production of medium chassis units. However, the armor seen on them is still light in comparison to future upgrades.

Mech Production Center 3

This production center upgrade allows the production of heavy chassis units, which hold considerably more armor than that seen in previous upgrades.

Weapons Lab

Your main research lab when it comes to war technologies. This is needed in order to produce any units.

Radar Station

Enables standard detection, giving you a warning when enemy forces are incoming.

Radar Station 2

An upgrade to the orginal radar, giving better and faster detection of incoming enemies.

Radar Station 3

The penultimate upgrade to the Radar Station. Gives much better, and much more effective detection of incoming enemies.

Enemy Intelligence Center

Allows the use of the 'EI Center', which enables the use of agents which are used to 'spy' on the enemy.

Resource Center

Handles your resource management, and conducts searches for katai deposits.

Katai Export Facility

This facility connects your home base with your Katai Extractors (KEs), and takes care of exporting the katai and making the deals to get paid for the katai you reap.

Drilling Station

This technology allows you to drill into the planet, extracting valuable minerals. Gives you an hourly income of 5000 credits.

Solar Plant

Your main energy income. Can be upgraded with more generators, to produce more energy.

Nuclear Plant

This technology allows you to build a nuclear plant, giving you an extra income of 500 units of energy per tick.

Propulsion Research Center

A research facility with the goal to improve transportation, and shorten travel times. This center opens you the Travel Technology path, you will gain access to quite a few technologies which will make your units faster, and even provide you with new means of transportation.

Dropship Production Center

Allows the production of dropships, which are capable of transporting units around the world at a relatively fast speed. Unlocks Silverhawk and Seraphim.

Cloaking Center

The CC allows you to make surprise attacks, meaning that the enemy will have less time to gather its' defences.

Mech Production Center 4

The final upgrade to the Mech Production Center. It is capable of producing huge units, which hold a massive amount of armor and firepower.

Radar Station 4

The final upgrade to the Radar Station. It enables the detection of all units, including those which are cloaked, meaning that you know exact details on your attacker.

Agent Training Center

While most Intelligence work is done in your Intelligence Center your more advanced spies need better training then the EI Center can offer. To be able to get the best spies you need this new training facilty.

See also: Overview.